Introducing Uplift V1.0.16. Check out what’s new in this update.
Bug Fixes :
Changes :
Bug Fixes :
UI Improvements :
The ‘Next’ button will now be greyed out until the user has entered a description and selected a topic while creating a support room, eliminating confusion about button functionality.
Added dismiss keyboard functionality on certain screens, including when creating a room, changing the password, and reporting an incident. (iOS only)
Other minor UI tweaks and fixes.
Changes :
Bug Fixes :
UI Improvements :
Redesigned the Onboarding, Sign In,Community, Create Support Room, and Reporting screens for a more fluid and seamless experience.
Upon login, users are now taken directly to the Community screen instead of the previous dashboard. This change aims to enhance engagement by immersing users in active community spaces right from the start.
New Features :
Trigger Warning for Support Rooms: Users will now receive a trigger warning when entering support rooms, allowing them to prepare for potentially distressing content.
NOTE : Moderators and admins can add or remove these warnings as needed.
Emergency Hotline/Resource Reference Option: Typing “/hotlines” within a support room opens a country selection dropdown. After selecting a country, a message appears in the chat with emergency hotline information to provide immediate support.
User Tagging: Users can now tag others by typing “@” followed by a username, making it easier to engage directly with someone in the conversation.
Push Notification For Support Room Messages : Push notifications were added for support room messages to help aid in promoting quicker responses and more timely interactions.
NOTE : This can be turned off via Profile >> Settings >> Manage Notifications >> Support Room Messages
Changes :
NOTE : The extended 120 minute time limit is currently a testing feature for user feedback and may be subject to alteration or removal in future app versions.
Bug Fixes :
UI Improvements :
Added moderator badges to user profiles and room details.
New Features :
General Accouncement Screen Added : Previously when sending general broadcasts depending on the android and ios version it would have text truncation issues. To fix this, the screen was added. All future general announcements will be displayed on this screen.
Bug Fixes :
Bug Fixes :
UI Improvements :
Bug Fixes :
UI Improvements :
Bug Fixes :
Bug Fixes :
Changes :
Bug Fixes :
UI Improvements :
Changes :
UI Improvements :
Bug Fixes :
UI Improvements: