Release Notes

Version 1.0.18 – November 19th, 2024 (Android Only)

Bug Fixes :

  • Removed the microphone permission that was unintentionally added in Version 1.0.16. 
Version 1.0.17 – November 18th, 2024

Changes :

  • A pinned message has been added to the top of the support room to remind users that Uplift is not for emergencies and provides a link for hotlines and the community guidelines.

Bug Fixes :

  • Fixed an issue where push notifications for chat messages were appearing even when the user was actively in the support room.

UI Improvements :

  • The ‘Next’ button will now be greyed out until the user has entered a description and selected a topic while creating a support room, eliminating confusion about button functionality.

  • Added dismiss keyboard functionality on certain screens, including when creating a room, changing the password, and reporting an incident. (iOS only)

  • Other minor UI tweaks and fixes.

Version 1.0.16 – November 1st, 2024

Changes :

  • Adjusted the support room session time to 60 minutes (previously up to 120 minutes).  Due to adding push notfications for support room messages, we feel the time limit would be suitted better.
  • Adjusted the credits from 10 to 5.

Bug Fixes :

  • Fixed an issue where users tapping on a notification were not navigated to the intended screen.
  • Other fixes and improvements were made to the overall notification system.

UI Improvements :

  • Redesigned the Onboarding, Sign In,Community, Create Support Room, and Reporting screens for a more fluid and seamless experience.

  • Upon login, users are now taken directly to the Community screen instead of the previous dashboard. This change aims to enhance engagement by immersing users in active community spaces right from the start.

New Features :

  • Trigger Warning for Support Rooms: Users will now receive a trigger warning when entering support rooms, allowing them to prepare for potentially distressing content.
    NOTE : Moderators and admins can add or remove these warnings as needed.

  • Emergency Hotline/Resource Reference Option: Typing “/hotlines” within a support room opens a country selection dropdown. After selecting a country, a message appears in the chat with emergency hotline information to provide immediate support.

  • User Tagging: Users can now tag others by typing “@” followed by a username, making it easier to engage directly with someone in the conversation.

  • Push Notification For Support Room Messages : Push notifications were added for support room messages to help aid in promoting quicker responses and more timely interactions.
    NOTE : This can be turned off via Profile >> Settings >> Manage Notifications >> Support Room Messages

Version 1.0.15 – 31st October, 2023 

Changes :

  • Added session time limit of up to 120 minutes (default remains 90 minutes).

NOTE : The extended 120 minute time limit is currently a testing feature for user feedback and may be subject to alteration or removal in future app versions.

Bug Fixes :

  • Fixed issue where topics were not truncating correctly when required. Additionally, if the selected topic doesn’t exist in the list, you’ll see a ‘Topic Not Found’.

UI Improvements :

  • Added moderator badges to user profiles and room details.

New Features :

  • General Accouncement Screen Added : Previously when sending general broadcasts depending on the android and ios version it would have text truncation issues. To fix this, the screen was added. All future general announcements will be displayed on this screen.

Version 1.0.14 – 16th October, 2023 

Bug Fixes :

  • Fixed issue where push notification device tokens failed to generate for users signing up.
Version 1.0.12 – 14th October, 2023 

Bug Fixes :

  • Fixed issue where blocking the host of a support room would not automatically remove you from the room.
  • Fixed issue where the My Blocked List empty state was not working.
  • Fixed issue where gender and age preferences were not syncing to the database.
  • Fixed issue where the list would jump to the top when selecting a Report Reason.

UI Improvements :

  • Implemented the ability to see Time Remaining in a support room.
  • Changed the image for when it’s searching for peers vs peers found in the My Room tab.
  • Changed the URL for the feedback submission and view resources button.
Version 1.0.11 – 24th August, 2023 

Bug Fixes :

  • Addressed issues where the keyboard was overlapping with the text chat input field.

UI Improvements :

  • Revamped the Chat Input Field for an enhanced user experience.
  • Introduced a “Done” button specifically for when the keyboard is open (iOS only).
  • Relocated Age and Gender Preferences to the Room Preferences Screen when opening a support room.
Version 1.0.10 – 22nd June, 2023 

Bug Fixes :

  • Resolved issue where Community screen displayed participant avatars that left an active room.
  • Resolved issue with data type comparison causing it to always fail and preventing a peer from joining a room.
Version 1.0.9 – 18th June, 2023 ( Android Only  )

Bug Fixes :

  • Resolved performance issues with typing and scrolling while a user is present in a support room.
Version 1.0.8 – 13th June, 2023

Changes : 

  •    Email verification is now enforced before opening a support room.

Bug Fixes :

  •   Addressed issue with username number incrementing incorrectly
  •   Fixed an issue in Room Details where it would incorrectly allow the user to rejoin a room after leaving.

UI Improvements : 

  • Added room preferences, allowing users to select the time limit for a room (30, 45, 60, or 90 minutes) and the maximum number of peers (3, 4, or 5) they want in a support room.
  •  Added a new topic: ADHD.
  •  Other UI fixes.
New Features : 
  • Added the ability for a peer to leave a support room.
Version 1.0.7 – 31st May, 2023

Changes :

  • Increased the support room capacity from 3 to 5 participants, allowing more peers to join and participate.
  • Increased the room time limit from 30 minutes to 90 minutes, giving you more time for productive discussions.
  • Increased the initial credits from 2 to 10.
  • Adjusted the input text limit for room descriptions to 300 characters.

UI Improvements :

  • Added a new topic : Schizophrenia
  • Redesigned the Chat UI to easily identify different users in conversations.
  • Improved the confirmation message for hiding usernames, providing clearer details about maintaining privacy when using the app in public.
  • Refined the text description for receiving notifications about new rooms, highlighting the availability of support rooms.
  • Introduced a new notification setting called “Support Room Messages,” allowing users to receive notifications when others join their support rooms.
  • Implemented a welcome message specifically for first-time hosts opening a support room.
  • Added a “not verified” label beneath the username on the Profile, allowing users to easily verify their email by clicking on the label.
  • Added scrolling functionality to the chat feedback screen, so users can easily scroll and rate their peers.
Version 1.0.6 – 21st May, 2023 (Initial Release)

Bug Fixes :

  • Fixed issue where the Past Rooms screen was not sorting correctly by descending order.
  • Fixed issue where the kudos would be incorrectly calculated in some scenarios.
  • Fixed issue where the Community Room Details screen incorrectly displayed the message that you cannot join a room when you’re already in it. Now, it shows a “Go To Chat” button for easier navigation.
  • Fixed issue where users running Android 13 or later were not prompted to allow notifications, resulting in notifications always being denied.

UI Improvements:

  • Added a new topic : Faith and Religion.
  • Added the ability to view the Room Description while in a chat room, including Past Chats.
  • Included a Terms and Conditions URL.