Community Guidelines.

Last Updated October 14th, 2023.

The thing with human beings is that we are genuine, loving creatures by nature but sometimes that is not always the case. Since Uplift is a safe space for everyone to anonymously express how they feel and receive support, we figured we should take time to define what is okay and what is not okay to do on the app. These guidelines exist so that everyone can always feel safe and comfortable as possible on Uplift.

We are an open community of people just like you that are committed to helping others that may be living through similar circumstances or just sharing and celebrating positive experience. We ask that all users abide by these guidelines while in support rooms, and encourage others to do the same. If you witness anyone violating these community guidelines, please report it so that we can investigate. With that being said, let’s get cracking!

NOTE : You must be 18+ and not in any severe mental distress in order to use Uplift.

🆘 If you or someone else needs help, reach out.
  • We’re all here for you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help for yourself or for another Peer you think may be in trouble.
  • However, Uplift is not a crisis hotline or for serious mental health issues that require a mental health professional. If you are in crisis, please don’t use this site or app. Instead, visit Hotlines & Resources to find your country’s respective hotlines and resources for immediate help, or consider reaching out to a mental health professional.
  • While sharing personal experiences and coping strategies is encouraged, please refrain from offering medical advice to others. If someone is experiencing a medical emergency, please encourage them to seek help from a medical professional.
✅  Be kind.
  • Uplift is a community of people who come together to provide emotional support and connection. We believe that everyone deserves a safe space to express themselves anonymously, and we ask all our users to respect this principle. We encourage you to communicate openly and support one another. Kindness goes a long way in making this a welcoming space for all. It’s easy to be considerate, right?
  • Uplift is an inclusive community, and we welcome people of all genders, sexual orientations, and identities. Please use language that is inclusive and respectful to everyone in the support room.
  • While Uplift is a supportive community, please be aware that others may also need time to express themselves. Avoid monopolizing the conversation or repeatedly messaging other peers without giving them a chance to respond.
  • Respect diverse opinions and beliefs: Uplift is a community where people from various backgrounds come together to provide emotional support. It is important to respect and acknowledge diverse opinions and beliefs, even if they differ from your own. Avoid making assumptions about others’ experiences or beliefs, and instead seek to understand and support one another.
❌  Don’t be mean.
  • Be kind and supportive to others in the support room. Remember that everyone is here for a reason.
  • Respect the anonymity of others. Do not share personal information or encourage others to do so.
  • Do not engage in bullying, abuse, harassment, hate speech, or any other form of harmful behaviour.
  • Be respectful and considerate towards others. Accounts will be suspended or terminated for repeat offenders.
❌  Don’t be creepy.
  • While we encourage everyone to interact with each other and share their experiences, Uplift is not a dating app.
  • Please refrain from engaging in any sexual or inappropriate behaviour during sessions.
  • For privacy and safety reasons, do not share personal social media handles or phone numbers.
  • Please do not share any personal information that could identify someone, such as identification numbers, addresses, or license plate numbers while in the support room.
  • Don’t pressure others to disclose information. It is important to respect each person’s boundaries and comfort level when it comes to sharing personal information. Please do not pressure or coerce others to share more than they are comfortable with.
  • We take privacy and safety seriously and will remove any Peers who violate these guidelines.
❌  Don’t be disruptive.
  • Please avoid disrupting the positive experience of others in the room by distorting messages, creating multiple accounts, or attempting to bypass content filters or moderation.
  • Do not use any automated tools to access Uplift or create an unreasonable load on the app’s infrastructure. This helps ensure a smooth experience for everyone.
  • Please refrain from posting any content in the support room that violates any third-party rights, including copyrights, trademarks, and patents. Let’s respect the intellectual property of others and focus on providing support to one another.
  • Don’t use or develop any third-party applications that interact with Uplift. If you’d like to improve the app by suggesting or developing a feature, get in touch with the developers. We’d be happy to work with you.
🛡️ Moderation and Reporting.
  • Please remember that host or moderators of the support room have the authority to remove a peer from the room if they are in violation of our community guidelines or causing disruption to the positive experience of others. If you have any concerns about another user’s behavior, you can report them via the app or email us at
  • We take the safety and well-being of our users seriously and may remove or ban peers who violate our guidelines. In a rare case where the violation is serious, the user will be banned permanently via the one strike and you’re out policy.
  • We look forward to all your feedback in helping make this app a better place. Our guidelines are meant to keep everyone safe and will be enforced in unfortunate circumstances. Thanks for choosing to be a part of the Uplift community.